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A fun place for all things reading, research, writing and collaboration

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What are you waiting for? Go to: or download from the app store or Google Play. First time users click Find My School and enter Faith Lutheran or 89117.  Be sure to pick our school.  Next you will login with your school ID number.  JUNIORS AND SENIORS - if you had a 4 digit number in your old email, then use 0#### to login.    Contact Mrs. Bowline at


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Library Catalog

Our catalog boasts a diverse collection of over 10,000 print, audio and ebooks available at your fingertips!

For PRINT BOOKS in our collection: Click this Library Catalog Search link.  Click Login in the top right  and then Google Sign On using your school email.

Search by Keyword, Subject, Author, Title

A CALL NUMBER look like this and you will need to have it handy to find your book:  FIC ALE, 979.54 WAJ, GN FIC KOR, E FIC BIE etc.

e = ebook/audiobook so click that link and it will take you to Sora

If you need help locating an item, just ask! :)

For Overdrive ebooks and audiobooks, you can access them via the SORA app explained in the boxes below.   Download it from the app store or Google play for phones and for iPads you can get it from Self Service.   Find my school - our zip is 89117

You can also access it direct via the web at  

Choose Faith Lutheran MS and HS.  Enter your student ID/faculty staff ID found on your ID card or Crusader Connect.

Then READ and LISTEN to your new favorite titles!



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*cite your sources properly in Noodletools!  Ask how if you don't know:

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Use Sign in with Google whenever offered

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Download the SORA by Overdrive app from the app store  and use your student or teacher/staff ID number.  if it is a four digit number, please add a 0(zero) first then the four digits.  If you don't know your number, please contact Mrs. Bowline or Mrs. Thompson via email or in the library.

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Love to read SERIES? These are #1....more titles added daily! Find the remainder of the series in the library catalog(grey box in top right corner) or